Lotus Freelance Graphics comments

Lotus Freelance Graphics gives users a faster, easier way to develop plans

Your vote:

Jeff Free
Is a good software for video presentation I've ever used.

Apr 18, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating uncleal547
I've used different versions of Freelance to draw pictures for over 25 years. Drawn up specifications for ambulances, uniforms and various other things. There is not much you can't draw with it. It's a shame it was given the ax.

Mar 1, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Luc
Finest drawing application ever build for Windows. Unfortunately not available on MacOS.

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rating saumya shashwat
I really like this software program that's why I rate 5 star on this.

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rating roger
Personally, I used this software since I got my first computer late 1980, e.i., still freelance2.
In my work, as office personnel, our Board presentations were made by freelance graphics (using later edition).
I am more relax using the freelance grahics (than other graphics softwares) in my reports & presentations.

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